2024 WB Day 11 - A Day of Surprises
It was a good sign when the sun cracked the horizon at the second biggest canyon system in USA.
A drive down into Palo Duro Canyon revealed just how spectacular it is from this perspective.
Back at Doves Rest, owners Geoff and ex pat kiwi wife Sharon explain their vision, providing resort accommodation overlooking the canyon.
There’s a quick coffee at the Sad Monkey next door, named after a nearby rock formation.
The formation of Cadillacs buried in dirt has taken a colorful but questionable slant on ‘art’.
Still, we can leave our mark, until the next Picasso steps forward.
Closer to the panhandle border is Adrian… the bent door garage still available for photos.
And the ugly crust pies still the specialty at the Midpoint cafe.
It’s 1139 miles to go, in either direction.
We’re halfway on our journey across country..
Up on the freeway the dash reads 104… naturally we’re only talking about the temperature outside as Texas lives up to her reputation for hot searing sun and realistic speed limits.
It’s not much different across in New Mexico.
Glenrio is right on that border and showing the signs of an interstate that separated the town from her patronage.
A surprise though is the new legalized marijuana outlet breathing new life into the otherwise ghost town for maybe all the wrong reasons.
The big surprise comes at Russell’s Truck Stop.
Sure big trucks, for Cathie, our big wheel trucker from down under to peruse…
And inside, as good an array of privately owned cars and eye candy you’ll find in the old road.
The Mother Road never fails to deliver surprises and today it’s in the form of museum founders Barbara and Emory Russell who have coincidentally dropped in.
Theirs is a classic rags to riches story, that is a lesson for anyone who cares to invest in it.
Axel is invested in his business too… big time!
The local paleontologist at Tucumcari College is also curator at the dinosaur museum…
…and he leaves no stone unturned, expounding the virtues of his life’s commitment to really old stuff!
There’s a really old motel or two in town too.
We’ll stay at the Blue Swallow under her neon gaze…
Listening to the sympathetic voices of Manny and Graeme beat out a few old tunes in time to a guitar Robyn has sourced for just this purpose.
Surprisingly the fire is lit, despite the air temperature still nudging three figures… to roast s’mores, for the stayers in this westbound journey!